Posture Clinic: Upward Bow
Upward Bow | Urdhva Dhanurasana | 3-legged Wheel (variation)
This 3-legged wheel variation is a near reflection of Dancer. For instance, the kicking leg asks the hip to be in flexion (vs. extension in Dancer); the grounded leg in hip extension (vs. flexion). Here we have added one point of contact with earth (3 touch points) and in Dancer we took one away (1 touch point).
Both postures have the spine in extension (backbending), but with an opposite relationship with gravity. In wheel, I'm inverted - my head is below the heart. This is where I am directing bloodflow with the help of gravity— renewing, like a second chance to meet myself again.
#arushofbloodtothehead #upwardfacingbow #aimtrue #energyextension #3leggedwheel