Yoga Theory
Theory for an effective and grace-full practice ~
Move lightly. Engage strength, stability, and thoughtful alignment, rather than succumbing to the tug of gravity's pull. A tight body is a light body.
Rather than falling into the tunnel vision of anticipation, flow with your felt sense. Movement, each posture, can and should look different in each human body.
Flow gracefully. Intentionalize entrances and exits. Your body has a message for you each step of the way. When we fall into the lure of least resistance, rather than harnessing the power of presence, we get sloppy. When we get sloppy, we get hurt. Consider that these ideas are applicable off the mat.
Ride the practice crescendo. Instead of stagnating on any given sensation or discomfort, stay in flow. Let it go. Stay open. Flow with it, not against it. In flow, we find an ease, a joy, alongside our effort.
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